Archive | July, 2012

Blueberry Vanilla Deliciousness :)

21 Jul

So, can I just say that I LOVE Greek yogurt?  It’s delicious, nutritious and is so useful.  Greek yogurt can be eaten by itself, it can be used to replace mayo, it can be used to make delicious creamy sauces, and so much more.  Here’s what I’ve been eating recently:


Blueberry Vanilla Protein Breakfast Yogurt

1 cup Plain Non-Fat Greek Yogurt

1/2-1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder (The amount of protein powder you use is entirely up to your taste)

1 packet Truvia

1 tsp Cinnamon

20 Blueberries

Mix yogurt with dry ingredients.  Make sure you whip it up nicely because the protein powder can get a little grainy if you don’t stir long enough.  Top with blueberries and enjoy.

Nutritional Info (based on 1 full scoop protein powder):  302 calories, 2.2g fat, 21 carbs, 49.3g protein

The Recipe for Success (Not What You Think It Is)

20 Jul

I read this post this morning and I think it hits the nail on the head.  I can’t even count how many times I have tried and failed to live a healthier lifestyle.  It’s hard to commit to eating properly when you absolutely love the taste of cheeseburgers, pizza, and beer.  I definitely enjoy working out but exercise without the proper nutrition can only take you so far, and I never saw the results I wanted.  But I kept trying, and now I’m on an amazing journey and couldn’t be happier.

The Recipe for Success (Not What You Think It Is).

How can you tell?

19 Jul

How do you know when you are really starting to make changes for a healthier life?  Here’s a few ways I can tell…

1.  CUTTING OUT THE BAD STUFF:  I haven’t had any alcohol, caffeine  or junk food over the past 24 days of my program.  Just a few short weeks ago I would’ve thought of this as some sort of torture.  You would’ve had to lock me in a bunker and cut off the outside world to make this happen!  Today however, I feel happier, healthier, and much more energetic.  Not to mention, excited that I’m able to cut out some vices.  Don’t get me wrong though, this doesn’t mean I’ll never have a beer or cocktail again, but maybe I’ll limit them to special occasions only. 

2.  SMART SNACKING:  Last night I was starving and kept walking into the kitchen opening and closing the cupboards and fridge to find something to tide me over.  Normally, this would’ve led me to cookies, chips or maybe even another full meal.  But, last night, I was good…and I was proud of myself!  What a great feeling.  I opted for a healthy snack and whipped up 4 egg whites with a little fat-free shredded cheese and a dollop of natural peanut butter on the side to curb my sweet craving.  It was delicious, nutritious and didn’t leave me feeling weighed down or guilty.

3.  SHARING THE WEALTH:  I have been so lucky to have a husband who knows so much about nutrition and exercise.  He has helped me learn a lot and now I get to share that knowledge.  I am asked all the time by coworkers or family members what they can do to shed a few pounds, put on muscle, or just be all around healthier.  It is my pleasure to be able to provide them with the same information that has been helping me so much.  In fact, I’ve enjoyed this so much that I’m looking into becoming a personal trainer – and very excited to take on this challenge.  I am going to start with my first victim client before being certified however, because it’s my sister.  Hopefully she’ll let me post her progress on here too!  (fingers crossed)

4.  CRAVING KNOWLEDGE:  It was recently that a friend turned me on to reading blogs and now I can’t stop.  Initially, I just read any type of blog but now I am constantly searching for fitness blogs.  I want to know what works for people.  I want to learn new recipes.  I want to learn new exercises and routines.  I want to learn IT ALL!!!  I spend a lot of time on various websites dedicated to clean eating, lifting weights, training programs, etc.  It’s turning into my obsession passion – I’ve gotta say, I think it’s a good one!  🙂

What are the telltale signs that show you have begun a healthier lifestyle?

It’s been awhile…

17 Jul

Wow, I didn’t realize it had been so long since the last time I posted.  A lot has happened.

I started the Jamie Eason Live Fit program and got through about 9 weeks of it, but I didn’t really follow it properly.  I kept eating what I wanted and drinking beer and just having a good ol’ time.  I kept up with the workouts like crazy, but I just wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.  Sure, I saw some muscle gain, but I wasn’t losing any fat or weight so I ended up giving up.  This is not to say that the program wasn’t good, this is my inability to follow it correctly.  I knew that if I had followed the eating plan as well as the workout plan I would be much closer to my goal.  12 weeks just seemed sooooo long!

So, like I said, I gave up…but just the plan, not the goal.  My husband suggested that I take a look at this book called “Making the Cut” by Jillian Michaels.  He said there is a quiz to find out what your metabolic type is and a complete plan to follow.  I figured, what the heck, right?  It’s a 30 day plan.  This is much better for someone who can’t seem to commit to any plan for a full 12 weeks.  22 days ago I began this plan at 136lbs.  Over the past 3 weeks I haven’t had any caffeine, salt, and I have stuck to the menu plan exactly (although I’ve incorporated a protein shake after my workouts to up my calorie and protein intake).  I’ve also done every single workout thus far and guess what?!  I’m getting results.  Today I weighed in at 125.4, a 10.6lb loss and I’m even starting to get some abs! Check them out:

This is just the beginning…

At the end of the 30 days, I’m going to take an updated progress photo and I think I’ll share my before (eek!) and current photos and then keep posting every 30 days.  Can’t wait to see the difference!