Archive | April, 2012

My new toy

24 Apr

Looksie what I got today!

Yeah boy, that’s right, my brand new Ultimate Sandbag…IN PINK!!!

My wonderful husband got this for me for my birthday, I filled that sucker up after work and now I’m ready to get Body Rockin’!  If you aren’t already aware of you better check it out with a quickness for some of the best FREE workouts available.

My very first 5K!

21 Apr

Oh yeah, that’s right, we did it!  My girls and I participated in our first 5K today.  I gotta say, we looked cute with our puffy painted, glittered and bedazzled t-shirts, ribbons and purple eyeshadow.  Yes, I realize it’s a race not a fashion show, but c’mon you still gotta look cute.  Check us out!

That’s future mamma Katie, Kendra, me, Lori, and Jackie.

This is me before the race.  I was READY to go!

And here’s me after the race.  Plenty of people got this view as I jogged blew right past them. I got a time of 32 minutes and change.  I’m feeling pretty damn good about that!


Hello world!

20 Apr

So, here goes my first post.  I figure I should just give you all a little information about me and why I’m doing this.

I am 29 years old, married to this amazing man:

Before I met him I could not have cared less about the gym.  I would try to get in shape for certain events, but I never really made any life changes. I have always yo-yo’d and tried fads but nothing stuck. Before he met me, Jake was probably in the best shape of his life.  After we got stationed in Michigan however, Jake sort of took on my poor eating habits and one thing led to another and now we are..lets’s say “chubby”. Not fat, just chubby. We both go up and down and up and down but now, we are ready to make some changes!  We have decided we want to have babies, YAY!  However, we have both agreed that before we do, it’s time to develop an active lifestyle and healthy eating habits for our sake and for our future children.

This blog is going to document my progress (and hopefully there is some), my trials and tribulations along the way (including the many cheat days that will occur), recipes, workouts, and just a bunch of fun stuff. Just a little warning, there may also be bitch-fests, rants and raves, and other miscellaneous posts, but I’ll try to keep those to a minimum.  So, without further ado…