Tag Archives: pills


10 Aug


Recently, I was asked if I take any supplements and what type.  Here was my response:

One-A-Day Womens Multi-Vitamin – 1/day (obviously 😛 )  I like to take this because it’s easy, cheap, and a great way to make sure I am getting all of the important things my body needs when I can’t supply it via food.

Calcium Supplement (not sure of the brand) – 2/day with breakfast and dinner.  This is good for bone health, especially in women.

Natrol Omega 3-6-9 – 2/day with breakfast and dinner.  This is good for brain development, immune system function, and blood pressure regulation.

Spring Valley Glucosamine Chondroitin – 3/day with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  This is for joint health.  It is not necessary for everyone.  But, for those of us who may have put a lot of strain on our joints in younger years with sports or other activities, or who are just a little older, this can help quite a bit.

Nature Made Iron Supplement – 1/day with lunch.  Again, this is not for everyone.  I take it because I am just slightly anemic.  Check with your physician before taking an iron supplement.

Finally, and I don’t know if this really counts as a vitamin or supplement, but I drink a protein shake every day.  Generally I have one after my workout in order to help repair and rebuild muscle.  If it is a rest-day I will have one as my morning or afternoon snack in order to keep my calorie count and protein intake at the proper level.  I have always used the powder you can pick up at Wal-Mart, but my husband and I decided to invest a little money into our protein and purchased Iso-Sensation 93 in Vanilla Bean (review on this still to come).  Protein is very important to weight loss and building muscle so we’ve decided not to skimp anymore.  Hopefully this pays off.

Now, all of that being said, I am not a trainer, nutritionist nor a doctor so I am not handing out advice or suggestions.  This is simply what I take.  You may choose to follow my supplement plan or not, but speak with your doctor first!  Every body is different and requires different things so get your facts straight before making any choices.  If you don’t want to see a doctor at least do your research.  There are a million sources online to find out the pros and cons of vitamins and supplements. 

What do you take?  What would you recommend?